Sunil Sukhada is a talented Malayalam actor. He is known for his versatility. He has brought variety to Malayalam cinema. With his colorful roles, he portrayed his artistic skills. He has conquered the industry with magnitudes of movies. He is a dedicated personality who has a passion for acting. He sincerely follows theater. Today, he has over hundreds of film...
Sunil Sukhada is a talented Malayalam actor. He is known for his versatility. He has brought variety to Malayalam cinema. With his colorful roles, he portrayed his artistic skills. He has conquered the industry with magnitudes of movies. He is a dedicated personality who has a passion for acting. He sincerely follows theater. Today, he has over hundreds of film...
Basil Gershome is a young actor and director in the South Indian film industry, known for working in Malayalam movies and web series. He has created several Malayalam web series and short films. His debut series was Ding Dong which has three episodes and was a hit project he produced as the audience loved the situational humor and outstanding performance...
Basil Gershome is a young actor and director in the South Indian film industry, known for working in Malayalam movies and web series. He has created several Malayalam web series and short films. His debut series was Ding Dong which has three episodes and was a hit project he produced as the audience loved the situational humor and outstanding performance...
Amina Nijam is a famous television actress and digital Media influencer, born on 25 February 1994. She gained popularity over the Naayika Nayakan show of Mazhavil Manorama.
Later, she switched to digital platforms and made popular content that went viral and got appreciation. She performed in popular hit shows like Thattumpurath Achuthan, Mammotty's Pathinettam Padi.
She also approached short films, and her...
Amina Nijam is a famous television actress and digital Media influencer, born on 25 February 1994. She gained popularity over the Naayika Nayakan show of Mazhavil Manorama.
Later, she switched to digital platforms and made popular content that went viral and got appreciation. She performed in popular hit shows like Thattumpurath Achuthan, Mammotty's Pathinettam Padi.
She also approached short films, and her...