Ambili Devi is a Malayalam film actress who has done a lot of Malayalam films and TV serials. She was born on January 01, 1985 in Chavara, Kollam, Kerala. She is a trained Bharatanatyam dancer from her young age and has received “Kalathilakam” in youth festival at school level in the year 2001. She is a proven dancer and has...
Rini Raj is an Indian entertainer who works prevalently in the Malayalam film industry. She got into acting in a young age, and noted for her job as Balamol aks Balachandrika in the sequential Karthamuthu, which as of late finished 1000 scenes on the Asianet channel. She made her acting presentation in the movie Maramkothi by debutant Baby Thomas in...
Devi Chandana is a dancer, singer, stage performer and actress from Kerala. She was born and brought up in Kerala. Currently she is settled in Cochin. Her parents are Jalaja and Vasudevan. She also has a younger brother, Akil.
Devi starter her career as a dancer right from her childhood. She has won several prizes, awards and scholarships for dance. Chandana...