Krishna Kumar also popularly known as KKÂ Kichu is an actor who works in Malayalam and Tamil movies and serials. Krishna Kumar is mainly known for playing supporting roles in Malayalam and Tamil films as well as in few selected TV serials. Krishna Kumar was born in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India to Gopala Krishnan Nair. Krishna Kumar started his career as a...
Kochu Preman is a noted, popular and famous actor who acts in the Malayalam films and is mostly seen playing comical characters. Kochu Preman is the actor’s screen name or the stage name and is real recordial name is K.S. Premkumar. Kochu Preman was born on June 1st 1955 to parents Kamaramathil Shivaraman Shastri and T.S Kamalam in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,...
Swathi Bhaskar is an Indian director who worked for the Malayalam film industry. He was born on March 11, 1970, in Alappuzha, Kerala. After completing his school from S.N College, Kollam he completed his graduation in Physics from Kerala University. Except for the director, he is also worked as a writer and actor in some movies....