Devananda Pattalathil is an Indian actress. She was born on 3rd May. She is also a dancer. She portrayed the character of Helen, a bold and beautiful girl, in the Malayalam Television series Nammal, which aired on Asianet. The series follows six children who grew up in diverse conditions. It centers on their joys, celebrations, crises, and the influence of...
Saniya Babu is an Indian child actress who has appeared in Malayalam movies and serials. Saniya is popularly known for acting alongside Mammootty in the 2019 film Ganagandharvan. Sanya was born on April 1 in Thrissur to Babu Paul and Mini Babu. She also has an elder brother. The child actor first attended St. Joseph school in Thrissur and later...
Muktha (also known as Elsa George) is an actress of south Indian cinema. She began her career as a child artiste. She came to prominence after playing the role of Lisamma in Lal Jose's Achanurangatha Veedu that released in 2005. This film garnered her critical acclaim, and she won even hearts of audiences. She began her career as a child...
Arun Ghosh is an actor and producer of movies and serials. A native of Thrissur, he shot to fame by playing the role of the younger Innocent in, 'Innocent Kathakal', a telefilm series on the life of actor-turned-MP Innocent, aired by Asianet TV. Ajay Ghosh has acted in various movies, including ' Ishtam' and 'Romans', and produced movies such as...