Hemashree from Karnataka. Her father’s name is Nagaraju. She got married with Surendra Babu, Janata Dal leader in the year 2011 at Tirupati. She died on 9th October’2012 at an age of 28 years. She found dead at a farmhouse near Ananthapur district, Andhra Pradesh under some mysterious circumstances. Hemashree was a popular Telugu and Kannada film and TV Actress and Anchor....
Suneel Puranik is an Indian male, well-known Director. He is a very popular and amazing director working in the Kannada industry. He has worked in teleserials and movies as an actor but is now working as a director and a producer in the Kannada film and Television Industry. He is also the chairman of the Karnataka Chalanchitra Academy....
Phani is a well-known Kannada film and television director. He is renowned for his classic Ganeshana Maduve and Gauri Ganesha comedy films. He was born in Karnataka in a middle-class family. He is a very common name in the South Indian household, as everyone knows him for his portrayal of middle-class family in his serials and movies. The joy spread...
Harish Raj is a well known Kannada TV actor who later made his foray into Kannada Film Industry. The actor aged 38 was born on July 26th 1978. The versatile actor made his first debut on television in 1996 in the Kannada serial named Hosa Chiguru Hale Beru....