Patra Petika is web series. It premiered on the MX Player platform. The series aired in 2022. The story revolves around Lata and a postman. Lata is a beautiful young woman whose husband lives in the city for work. She lives in the village and writes letters to her husband. She hopes that he replies to her letters. The village postman, Lakkhan Kaka, delivers the letter in her surroundings. Every day, Lata hopes to receive a letter from her husband Sudhir and waits for the postman. But her expectations always lets her down. She asks Lakkhan Kaka to read her the old letters her husband sent to make her happy.
Later, Lakkhan Kaka retires from the service, and a new postman, Sharad, joins the duty. Lata, as usual, starts waiting for Sharad in the hope of getting letters from her husband. Eventually, Sharad began writing letters to Lata as Sudhir. They both get closer to each other. But soon, Sudhir arrives at the village and takes Lata to the city. This incident breaks Sharad’s heart, and he goes to a brothel. The brothel had strict rules that only dance was allowed. But Sharad breaks the rule and gets physical with one of the dancers by bribing her money. During this, Lata also misses Sharad and forces her husband to take her back to the village. She finally returns to her village. On her return, Sharad and Lata break all the boundaries and get intimate. The series has sexual content and thus is recommended only for the 16+ age group.