Chutzpah is an enthralling Indian drama series that takes viewers on a captivating journey through the uncharted realms of the internet. Premiered on SonyLIV on July 23, 2021, and directed by Simarpreet Singh Simarpreet Singh is a brilliant and accomplished d >> Read More... , the show was created by Mrighdeep Singh Lamba and produced by Dinesh Vijan Dinesh Vijan is known for his production company I >> Read More... under Maddock Films' digital content division, Outsider Films. The series stars an ensemble cast, including Tanya Maniktala If you like watching web series, then you probably >> Read More... Elnaaz Norouzi Elnaaz Norouzi is a renowned actress and model of >> Read More... Varun Sharma Varun  Sharma is the well-known as Choocha in the >> Read More... Diksha Singh Diksha Singh is an Indian actress and model. She w >> Read More... , and Manjot Singh Manjot Singh was born to a Sikh family, in Delhi o >> Read More... offering a unique exploration of the bizarre and dynamic universe of the web.
Each episode introduces viewers to a group of eclectic characters played by a talented ensemble, who are intricately connected through the vast expanse of the internet. The narrative is not just about their individual stories but the intersection of their lives in the digital space. With characters like Shikha (Tanya Maniktala) Wild Butterfly/Sara Khan (Elnaaz Norouzi), Vikas Bhalla Vikas Bhalla is a well-known actor. He is also a s >> Read More... (Varun Sharma), Rishi (Manjot Singh), and Neena (Diksha Singh), the series delves into the complexities of real-life through the somewhat delusional online lives of these quirky netizens.
The show's core theme revolves around the power of social media and its digital influence on the youth of today. In a world that oscillates between 'www.' and '.com,' the characters share their own 'chutzpah' experiences, weaving five distinct stories into a cohesive narrative. The series aims to offer an authentic yet unpredictable portrayal of the parallel universe of social media presenting scenarios that may feel familiar but unfold in unexpected ways. Adding to the allure of "Chutzpah" are the stellar performances of the cast, which includes Gautam Mehra, Aashima Mahajan, Kshitij Chauhan, Varun Tewari, Pranali Rathod, Komal Singh, Christopher Ramirez, Ashwin Kaushal, Rachel Ann Mullins, and more.
The series is not just a visual treat but also a thought-provoking commentary on the digital age. The show's creators, Mrighdeep Lamba, and the stars Varun Sharma, Manjot Singh, and Elnaaz Norouzi contribute significantly to the success of "Chutzpah," providing audiences with a fresh perspective on the complexities of modern-day relationships and the impact of the digital world on our lives. For those seeking a blend of drama, comedy, and an exploration of the digital landscape, "Chutzpah" stands as a must-watch series, available on SonyLIV in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam.