Kangana Ranaut is known in Bollywood, for her tremendous performance is movies like Gangster, Fashion and Queen. Her debut was a hit thriller movie “Gangster” which won her “The Best Female Debut Award 2006”. For extraordinary performance, Kangana Ranaut has won “Best Supporting Actress Award” for film ‘Fashion’ for her role of a messed up model girl. ‘Queen’ led her...
Deepika Padukone is an Indian actress and model. She was born on 5th January 1986. Deepika is one of the most famous celebrities. She is working in Bollywood films and won two film fare awards. She is the daughter of the badminton trouper Prakash Padukone. Copenhagen was the birth place of Deepika. She was raised in Bangalore. She frolicked badminton...
Akshay Kumar was born on 9th September 1967 and his birth name is ‘Rajiv Hari Om Bhatia’. He is a great Bollywood actor who has acted in more than 100 movies. He is also a producer and martial artist. He has won The Filmfare awards a couple of times. He started off his career as an actor in 1990s, where he...
Ranbir Kapoor is a noted Indian film actor. He was born on September 28, 1982, in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India to Rishi (Bollywood film actor, producer and director) and Neetu Singh (Bollywood actress). His grandfather, Raj Kapoor, is also a noted film actor, producer and director and was once called “The greatest showman of Indian cinema”. He has a sister named...
Shah Rukh Khan or also known as SRK is a prominent Indian film actor, television personality and producer. He was born on November 2, 1965 in New Delhi, India. He is often called as the ‘Baadshah of Bollywood’, ‘King Khan’ and ‘King of Bollywood’. The actor has done more than 80 films in Bollywood. He was cited as ‘The World’s...
Salman Khan is a very famous Indian actor and a producer. He was born as Abdul Rashid Salim Salman Khan on December 27, 1965 at Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. Salman is referred to as one of the most successful actors in Bollywood. His father is Salim Khan who is also an actor and a screenwriter while his mother is Sushila...