Tanima Bhattacharya debuted with the indie Bollywood movie Saankal – Shackle. She won four best-actress awards for essaying Abeera’s role, including the ones received at film festivals in the US and Russia. With all these accolades pouring in, Tamanna felt blessed and honored. She has been the actor and producer for quite a few well-acknowledged short films. the 6th The...
Hemangi Kavi is a celebrated artist in the Marathi film industry with her natural acting. Hemangi was born on August 26, 1988, and brought up in Kalwa in Thane. The Mumbai girl attended Sahakar Vidhya Prasarak Mandal School in Kalwa and completed her graduation from JJ School of Arts, specializing in Fine Arts. After her graduation, she completed the Java...
Vineeta Malik is a versatile Indian television actress. She is seen in both small and big screens. Her television career began with the movie “Escape from Taliban” in 2003. She plays the role of Abu in the movie. This movie is about an Indian movie who attempts to escape from Afghanistan and the oppressive Talibans. She also appeared in the...
Amita Nangia is a Bollywood character artist. She has played roles in more than 40 Bollywood movies. She made her debut in Ghabrahat in the year 1989. Some of the movies she has acted are unreleased, like Maut and Jagadambey Maa. she had acted in various A, B, C grade movies as well. She was recognized for her role in...
Ankita Srivastava is an Indian Film and Television Actor. She works in the Hindi Film and Television Industry. Ankita was born in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. She is 5 feet and 7 inches tall (170 cm). She lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Her hobbies are dancing and listening to music. Ankita made her debut in the Hindi Film Industry with the film...
Bobby Khan is an Indian film dialogue writer turned movie director and screenwriter. He was born on 5th April of 1970.He is the Former husband of singer Sunidhi Chauhan and brother of choreographer Ahmed Khan who is also a director. He is one among the best Producers and Directors in the Indian Music Industry. His Education dates back when he...
Akashaditya Lama is an exceptional and one of the most innovative Indian film directors and scriptwriters based in Bollywood. He has been in the talk last year for his alleged legal fight with ‘Mohenjo Daro’’s director Ashutosh Gowariker. He claimed that Mohenjo Daro has been his play for the last six years and that before the making of the movie...
The talented Indian television actor and businessperson, Akshat Gupta is best known these days for his performance of in Zee TV’s show "Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se" as Abhimanyu. Prior to this, Akshat has been a part of many television serials, portraying many characters in different shows like Meri Doli Tere Angana, Tumhari Disha, Sangam, Grihasti, and few more...
Raunaq Ahuja is an Indian Television actor, who has worked in some of the most popular television serials of the recent times. He was first seen in the ‘Do Saheliyaan... Kismat Ki Kathputaliyaan’ (2010). This show was aired on Zee TV & it lasted for a few months. He played the role of ‘Anadi’ in the TV serial. He played...
Rajeev Verma is a veteran Indian actor who works mainly in film and television. He was born on June 28 in the municipality of Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh, India. He graduated Architecture in Bhopal University and later, he took a Masters in Urban Design in Delhi’s School of Planning and Architecture. During his second year in college, he started working...
Yusuf Hussain is an Indian Actor who played his role in various Cinema movies and Television shows. He was born on 21st January in Punjab now in Pakistan in the family of Religion Muslims. Yusuf Hussain did his schooling from DAV School Punjab (Pakistan. He is very intelligent and talented boy from his childhood. He is very spiritual type of...