Rakesh Sharma, a well-known actor and a director, who is very well-known in the movie 3 Idiots (2009), which is directed by Rajkumar Hirani, a movie in which the actors played their roles so well starring Aamir Khan, who is known for his amazing acting, Madhavan the chocolate boy, Mona Singh. He took up the role of a Minister, who...
Telugu film director G.Ram Prasad belongs to Guntur area of Andhra Pradesh, India. He left for Madras to become a movie director in 1988. From the beginning, he is very dedicated and hard working guy. He went on searching for opportunities which make him a director. He came to know that no one can become a movie director at once....
Sudhakar Reddy is an Indian film cinematographer, producer, and distributor. He is the father of Telugu actor, Nithiin, of Jayam fame. He started his career as a cinematographer and has worked in several films like Nippulanti Manishi (1986), Raktabhishekam (1988), Bazaar Rowdy (1988), Vicky Daada (1989), Abbai Gari Pelli (1997), Gundagardi (1997), Manasara (2010), 8AM Number Veedu (2011), Avunu (2012)...
Ahuti Prasad was a popular character actor in the Telugu film industry. He was born in the year 1958 in Krishna district in Andhra Pradesh. His original name was Adusumilli Janardhan Vara Prasad. His parents were Ranga Rao and Hymavati....