Bimbashree Ninasam, a Kannada film actress and a model, has born on 13 March 1991 and brought up in Bangalore, India. She has started her career in Modelling and later made her acting debut on 21 October 2016 with a Telugu movie Rama Rama Re. She has done a total of three movies, namely Rama Rama Re, Gowdru cycle, and...
Prashanth K Yallampalli is a director, screenplay artist, and writer based in Karnataka. He predominantly works for the Sandalwood film industry, particularly in the Kannada language movies. He is known for directing and writing screenplays for various Kannada movies and TV series. In 2019, he wrote the screenplay and directed the movie Gowdru Cycle. It was a story about a...
Sai Sarvesh is a Kannada lyricist who established his career in the Kannada film and television industry. He also worked as lyricist, playback singer and music director in the cinema industry. Sai Sarvesh worked in popular films such as Premier Padmini in 2019, Namo, Gowdru cycle in 2019. He penned songs in Mufti. Trayodasha is a movie that released in...