Kenja Chethan Kumar is a young director of Kannada movies. He is famous for his film “Prema Geema Jane Do,” which was released in 2016. He was born in the small village of Udupi, Karnataka, India. He is not only a director but also an editor, screenwriter, and video editor. He became interested in plays when he discovered that his...
Rudramuni Belagere is a cinematographer based in India. Has worked mainly for the Kannada film industry. Some of his works include 5 Adi 7 Angula, a mystery, and thriller film released on 13 March 2020, directed by Nandalike Nithyananda Prabhu, and starring Aditi, Chakravarthi Davanagree, and Raasik Kumar. He worked on Devaru Bekagiddare released on 11 October 2019, written and...
Prasad Vasishta is a Kannada movie actor who made his debut with the 2018 Kannada film called ‘Dvaita’. It is a suspense thriller story with a run time of 1 hour and 55 minutes....