Aagosh is a Pakistani drama serial aired in 1993 on PTV channel. This show was written by Adeem Hashmi and directed by Syed Shakir Aziz. This show consists of 14 episodes. Shaista Jabeen Shaista Jabeen is a Pakistani television actress, >> Read More... , Nighat Hasan, Sawera Sheikh, Nuzhat Kazmi, Safia Haider, Nushrat Mehmood, Imran Ghazanvi, Tariq Waseem, Asad Ali, Rehan Sheikh Rehan Sheikh is a Pakistani actor, director, an ex >> Read More... and others were the star cast of this serial. This show was repeated many times on TV on public demand. Aagosh is a Pakistani drama serial aired on the PTV channel in 1993.
Adeem Hashmi wrote the script for this show, directed by Syed Shakir Aziz. There are 14 episodes in this show. This serial's star cast included Shaista Jabeen, Nighat Hasan, Sawera Sheikh, Nuzhat Kazmi, Safia Haider, Nushrat Mehmood, Imran Ghazanvi, Tariq Waseem, Asad Ali, Rehan Sheikh, and others. This show was repeated numerous times on television due to popular demand.
This serial's plot revolves around a lady who is also the mother of his five sons. She lost her five sons and was committed to a mental institution. There was a man who once loved this lady's mother and brought her into his home to care for her. As she grew older, she began looking for his sons and eventually found them all. His sons are all grown up and do his work. Because of the sensitivity of this serial, it appears to be a true story, and the audience loved it.