Sorry, la is a Nepali series with actors such as Rohit Karki, Bhimsen Adhikari, Dilip Tamang, Devi Ale, Prakash Limbu, Narayan Nepal, Mitra Tamang, Gokarna Acharya, Sagar Khadka and others. The story revolves around a man who is trying to worship early in the morning, but while doing that, his pants slide off his waist, and this event is on view by two others, who start to make fun of him. Fuming, he goes back inside. A girl and her lover are sitting on a staircase, trying to make conversation, but the presence of the fuming man makes him run and hide while the girl makes way for him.
In another scene, a man brings a vessel inside a house, meaning for someone to take the food inside it. However, in a turn of events, the vessel goes into the hands of another lady. This event follows two other men who get hit for sneaking in. Similarly, other couples come and go together, and in the final scenes, the man shown initially gets hit by a bunch of other people comically. As is apparent in the storytelling, the series uses slapstick comedy as its primary element.