Anandavally, the veteran Malayalam actress, having crossed the ripe age of 60, she can look back with some satisfaction at a career which has spanned almost 33 years and has included within it almost 46 films, covering roles as varied as that of a doctor, a maid, and also a scheming stepmother. From her own side she would, however, declare...
A Malayam nightingale, whose work explores the nature of females and intensifies the women's opinions. A fantastic wordsmith is known for her truthfulness and sincerity. She is none other than kaviyatri Rose Mary a candor poet, born on 22nd June 1956. Believing in her writing skills she explored various dimensions of society and gave marvelous poems. Dr. K.C Chacko was...
Born on 28 July 1961 in Palakkad, Bhavana Radhakrishnan is an acclaimed playback singer from Kerala who has received the doctorate in music from the University of Kerala. She is mostly known for singing devotional songs. This singer has performed over 300 stage shows in Kerala. With her extensive knowledge in the field of music, she was chosen for the post...
Kaloor Dennis is one of the most prolific novelists, scriptwriters andartists in Malayalam movies. Starting his career in 1979 was no ordinary task, but he pulled it off, after working for the film ‘Anubhavangale Nandi.’ The movie opened new doors for the debutant. Having worked for more than a hundred Malayalam ventures, his areas of expertise include script, story, dialogue,...