Akash VH is a Malayalam actor known primarily for the television series Pattu Saree which premiered on Mazhavil Manorama. He has also been a part of other shows like Khalli Walli, Amma Manasam, and Eshwaran Sakshiyayi....
S Suresh Babu is a renowned screenwriter born in Kerala, India, and has worked for the Mollywood entertainment industry. He made his Ist debut as a writer in Dada Sahib. After that, Suresh worked with many entertainment films starting from 2005, Five Fingers, Shikkar in 2010, Thiruvambadi Thamban in 2012, The Reporter, Kanal in 2015, and Jalam in 2016. He received the Kerala state film award for the best editor....
S.P Sreekumar is a famous Malayalam film and TV actor known for his role as Lolithan in Marimayam Serial. He is known for his versatility in acting. He is a Trivandrum based person and started his film career in the movie Kandahar, a war film directed Ravi. Later he acted in many movies. His career graph took a steep rise...