Apsara Ratnakaran is best known for starring in the role of Jayanthi in the Malayalam drama series ‘Santhwanam.’ Born on June 19, 1995, Rathnakaran studied at Sky Hgh School Nanniyode. Later, she pursued her higher studies at Mahatma Gandhi University. The actress has a sister named ‘Aiswarya Ratnakaran.’...
Maneesh Krishnan is a Malayalam serial and tele-film actor. His late father is well-known to Malayalis for his daily appearance as the “Hajiar” (Haji) in the popular post-news satirical, “Munshi” on Asianet TV. His mother, Vanuja, is a former bank employee who now lives with him in Trivandrum. He has a younger brother in Kasargode working at Kerala State Electricity...