Malayalam TV actress Sini was born in Kasargod, Kerala. Sini Aleyamma Varghese aka Sini did her schooling from CJHSS, Kasargod, and graduation from Kannur University. At very young age, Sini was trained in classical dance and used to participate in various programs in schools and college. She is also from the same town, where renowned Malayalam actress Kavya Madhavan hails.
Indulekha is the popular Malayalam actress, who is the wife of popular director Sankaran Potty. Sankaran is not only a film director, but also an ad film director and also involves in post production too. This pair has a cute little daughter Unni Maya, who is 8 years old. Indhulekha is a classical dancer. She learnt dancing right from her...
Beena is a Malayalam Tele and Film Actress. Born in the year 1972 in Thrissur, Kerala, she is the youngest daughter in the family. Her parents are Antony and Soshamma. Â She started her acting career first in the year 1991 with Godfather. She has mainly appeared in supporting roles in the movies.
With more than fifty movies to her credit, Beena...
Siddharth Venugopal is an Indian film actor who majorly appeared in Tamil films. Siddharth was born on 28 November 1985 in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. His schooling was done at Lisieux Matriculation Higher Secondary School....