Niranjan Deshpande has predominantly involved himself in anchoring, radio jockey, and comedy. Well, as though this would not suffice, this talented artist has also endeavored in films and soap operas. The Kannada movie Bombay Mittai, which was released in 2015 was his debut movie. It revolves around 4 buddies who go on a journey. Then misunderstanding crops which leads to comical...
Sadhu Kokila is a Kannada actor who primarily works on comedy roles. He is also a director and music composer. Rakta Kanneeru, Om and Shhh are some of the movies that he directed and also acted. The Vijay starrer Devru was also directed by him.
Born on 24th March, 1966, Sadhu Kokila, also known as Kokila Sadhu, hails from a family of...