Subhash Chandra Sahu is a writer and an acclaimed marketer and has showcased his skills as a director through various projects on screen. “Sneha Bhavam,” which is a Malayalam romantic drama in Zee Keralam. “Robo Family (in Kannada),” which is a funny and fantastic serial that portrays the tale of a scientist, Tommy, and his family. “Prema Grantha,” which is...
Biju Badajena is an Indian actor who worked for the Hindi film industry. He worked in more than 20 movies. His work includes Hero number Zero in 2021, Mal Mahu Jibana Mati in 2019, and Tame Thile Sathire in 2014. Biju became famous by playing some roles in films like Aa Re Saathi Aa as Police Inspector, Munna: A Love...
Several factors define the success of a film or show, but the direction is something that forms the base for all. Nishikant Dalabehera is one of those directors in India who finely fulfill their responsibility of being the one. Nishikant predominantly works for the Hindi entertaining industry. Nishikant was born in Keonjhargarh, Orissa, India, and presently resides in Bhubaneswar, India....
H. Anand, initially credited as Master Anand, is an Indian film and television actor in Kannada language. He started his career as a child actor, in 1990s films like Phani Ramachandra's Gauri Ganesha(1991), S. Mahendra's Thayi Illada Thavaru (1994) and Kishore Sarja's Makkala Sakshi(1994). He received the best child actor award for these three films and kept the title “Master”...