Deepa Ravishankar is a Kannada television actress, who played as Parvathi, mother of Chandu’s character in the television serial, Lakshmi Baramma, which was aired on Colors Kannada. In 2013, she also appeared in the Tamil soap, Agni Paravai, aired on Puthuyugam TV. Deepa studied at Kasturba Girls High School in Shimoga and later took up Microbiology at Mysore University. She...
Hema Prabhat is an Indian Actress known for her work in various Kannada movies and serials. She is more known to the audience known as Hema Panchamukhi and is a professionally trained Bharatanatyam dancer. She is currently active in films, TV shows, stage, and radio. Hema made her acting debut in the year 1992 with “Jeevana Chaitra” where she played...
An Indian film actress, Anusha Rao, works predominantly in the Kannada film industry. She has acted in the movies Manaroopa and Chitrakatha, with both being released in the year 2019. She debuted in the industry in the role of Radhika in the hit Kannada TV soap Agnisakshi, which aired in 2013. Her debut in the Kannada film industry was in...
Born on 22nd January 1998 in Hyderabad, Spanadana Somanna is a talented and beautiful actress and model. Her fresh face and sharp features make her profile stand out from others. Passionate and determined from a young age, Spandana debuted in the Kannada film industry with the 2019 serial Naanu Nanna Kanasu. This drama received much love from viewers of all...
Rajendra Karanth is a Kannada actor, writer, director, screenwriter, and dialogue writer. He completed his education at National High School in Basavanagudi, Bangalore, and for his graduation, he went to Bangalore University. After his graduation, he worked in television media. He also works as a freelancer in the industry. Some of his best works include Sathyavan Savithri in 2007 by...
Suchendra Prasad, the name very common to the theater world is an accomplished actor, the acclaimed director, choreographed, and has given music for films, television, and radio. He has written as well directed several plays. Also known as Sachindra or K suchendra Prasad, he owns a very creative intellect and the subjects of his plays reflect that brilliant perspective. He...
Ashwin Yadav, born on 25 March 2000 in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, is a famous and well-known YouTuber and Instagram star. He is known for creating content that has social messages in it. His journey as a YouTuber started in the year 2020. Ashwin completed his Schooling and Graduation from Indore. His interest in acting and Modeling started from his...