Dishita Jain is an Indian child artist who is well known for her acting in TV serials. She played in the thriller series ‘Kaafir,’ which aired in 2019. In this TV series, she performed the role of Seher, daughter of Dia Mirza. She also played in the action-comedy film ‘Squad,’ which released in July 2020. Some of the notable personalities...
Dishita Jain is an Indian child artist who is well known for her acting in TV serials. She played in the thriller series ‘Kaafir,’ which aired in 2019. In this TV series, she performed the role of Seher, daughter of Dia Mirza. She also played in the action-comedy film ‘Squad,’ which released in July 2020. Some of the notable personalities...
Yashashwini Y.P. is a film editor in the Indian Cinema from Mumbai, Maharashtra. She began her career in 2010, and worked as an Associate Editor for the Bollywood movie, “We Are The Family,” starring Kareen Kapoor Khan, Kajol, and Arjun Rampal, in the following year, she made her debut as an official Editor of the film, “Love Express.” She assisted...
Yashashwini Y.P. is a film editor in the Indian Cinema from Mumbai, Maharashtra. She began her career in 2010, and worked as an Associate Editor for the Bollywood movie, “We Are The Family,” starring Kareen Kapoor Khan, Kajol, and Arjun Rampal, in the following year, she made her debut as an official Editor of the film, “Love Express.” She assisted...
Prateek Shah is a very talented and hardworking Director. He is working in the Television Entertainment industry, and most of his artworks and projects got released in Hindi. Prateek lives in Mumbai( Maharashtra, India). Prateek is famous for his direction on many television shows, which became successful instantly. Prateek has also directed the channel V show Sadda Haq(2013- 2017). This...
Prateek Shah is a very talented and hardworking Director. He is working in the Television Entertainment industry, and most of his artworks and projects got released in Hindi. Prateek lives in Mumbai( Maharashtra, India). Prateek is famous for his direction on many television shows, which became successful instantly. Prateek has also directed the channel V show Sadda Haq(2013- 2017). This...
Dara Sandhu is an actor from Bandra, Mumbai, who made his debut in a Dia Mirza starrer web series, Kaafir. He has earned significant fame with the series and is slowly gaining popularity on social media too. His viewers have appreciated him for his performance in the TV series. This actor has also started his work as an assistant director...
Dara Sandhu is an actor from Bandra, Mumbai, who made his debut in a Dia Mirza starrer web series, Kaafir. He has earned significant fame with the series and is slowly gaining popularity on social media too. His viewers have appreciated him for his performance in the TV series. This actor has also started his work as an assistant director...
Abhiroy Singh is an Indian actor who works in both films and TV serials, in the Hindi and Punjabi film industry. He is mainly cast in supporting roles, with his first shot at acting was in a small short film known as The Saree Struggle which released in 2008. His first appearance for a feature film was for the Punjabi...
Abhiroy Singh is an Indian actor who works in both films and TV serials, in the Hindi and Punjabi film industry. He is mainly cast in supporting roles, with his first shot at acting was in a small short film known as The Saree Struggle which released in 2008. His first appearance for a feature film was for the Punjabi...
Bhavani Iyer is a Television and Bollywood screenplay writer. She was also a journalist before she started her scriptwriting career. Bhavani is a science graduate and began her career in advertising. She is very famous for her shows like 'Meri Aawaz Hi Pehchan Hai', 'Everest,' and films such as 'Guzaarish', 'Lootera,' and 'Black.' This talented lady is also a writer....
Bhavani Iyer is a Television and Bollywood screenplay writer. She was also a journalist before she started her scriptwriting career. Bhavani is a science graduate and began her career in advertising. She is very famous for her shows like 'Meri Aawaz Hi Pehchan Hai', 'Everest,' and films such as 'Guzaarish', 'Lootera,' and 'Black.' This talented lady is also a writer....
If the background score in Raaz 2 chilled your spine and kept you in the mysterious dark, or captivated you by the romantic music in ’Ek Tha Villain’ then thank Raju Singh, who treats music not only as his profession, but also something that teaches a way of life. He is an example of someone who breathes music. After being...
If the background score in Raaz 2 chilled your spine and kept you in the mysterious dark, or captivated you by the romantic music in ’Ek Tha Villain’ then thank Raju Singh, who treats music not only as his profession, but also something that teaches a way of life. He is an example of someone who breathes music. After being...
Omar Sharif was an actor who had left an indelible mark on cinema. Known for his intelligence, elegance, talent and style that he showcased in his movies, the actor was one of the few Arab actors to achieve such a mega success in Hollywood. The actor rose to prominence after he appeared in the David’s Lean much acclaimed movie 'Lawrence...
Omar Sharif was an actor who had left an indelible mark on cinema. Known for his intelligence, elegance, talent and style that he showcased in his movies, the actor was one of the few Arab actors to achieve such a mega success in Hollywood. The actor rose to prominence after he appeared in the David’s Lean much acclaimed movie 'Lawrence...
Sonam Nair is an Indian film writer and director. She was born and brought up in Kolkata. She studied in the US and worked in the city of dreams- Mumbai. Nair never had any plans for entering the B-town. It all happened because she was just interested to work and tell stories. She pursued her filmmaking course at a college...
Sonam Nair is an Indian film writer and director. She was born and brought up in Kolkata. She studied in the US and worked in the city of dreams- Mumbai. Nair never had any plans for entering the B-town. It all happened because she was just interested to work and tell stories. She pursued her filmmaking course at a college...
Dia Mirza’s original name is Dia Handrich. Dia Mirza is an actress from India, and also a Model and Director cum Producer (recently). She was born in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh (Telangana). Her father Frank Handrich, a German interior designer and mother Deepa, a Bengali Hindu interior designer. She completed her schooling from Vidyaranya High School for Boys and Girls (based...
Dia Mirza’s original name is Dia Handrich. Dia Mirza is an actress from India, and also a Model and Director cum Producer (recently). She was born in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh (Telangana). Her father Frank Handrich, a German interior designer and mother Deepa, a Bengali Hindu interior designer. She completed her schooling from Vidyaranya High School for Boys and Girls (based...
Faezeh Jalali is a notable Indian teacher, actress, director and casting director. She attended University of Tennessee, Knoxville, U.S. and took a Master of Fine Arts degree in Theatre Performance, from where she got a full scholarship. She also studied at Beloit College in U.S. and took up Bachelor of Arts with a degree in Theatre; she graduated as a...
Faezeh Jalali is a notable Indian teacher, actress, director and casting director. She attended University of Tennessee, Knoxville, U.S. and took a Master of Fine Arts degree in Theatre Performance, from where she got a full scholarship. She also studied at Beloit College in U.S. and took up Bachelor of Arts with a degree in Theatre; she graduated as a...
Mohit Raina is an Indian television actor, famous for his portrayal of Lord Shiva in Life OK’s 'Devon Ke Dev…Mahadev'. Born on 14th August 1982 in the UK, he was brought up in Jammu and Kashmir. Having graduated in commerce, he was planning to pursue a career as a Chartered Accountant, when he moved to Mumbai to take up modeling and...
Mohit Raina is an Indian television actor, famous for his portrayal of Lord Shiva in Life OK’s 'Devon Ke Dev…Mahadev'. Born on 14th August 1982 in the UK, he was brought up in Jammu and Kashmir. Having graduated in commerce, he was planning to pursue a career as a Chartered Accountant, when he moved to Mumbai to take up modeling and...