Harjeet Singh, popularly known as Harjeet Singh Tuktuk, is a renowned stand-up comedian and speaker, a humorous poet, a famous writer, and an eminent personality in the Entertainment Industry. He is a native of Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, and was born on January 16, 1975. His parents, Professor Kalyan Singh and Dr. Nirmal Kaur Khanduja, were poets, and poetry was in...
A smile is what appears in your mouth, whenever you see him on your television screens. Shailesh Lodha is one of the most talented comedians in the Indian television industry. Shailesh Lodha was born on July 15th, 1969, in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Since childhood, he has been fond of making people laugh, he used to write his own jokes and used...
Arun Gemini is a Delhi-based Hindi poet well known and widely popular in the field of Hasya Kavita (a poem written in a humorous genre). He is popularly called a ‘gem of Haryanvi Comedy’ about his name as his comedy is a satirical take on the harshness of society. Arun Gemini, through his comedy, brings these social evils to light...