Kaniya Pradhan is a Bhojpuri family drama daily soap show. It premiered on Zee Ganga on September 20, 2021, from Monday to Friday at 8 pm. It starred Manmohan Tiwari Manmohan Tiwari hails from Rishikesh and was one o >> Read More... and Payal Gupta Bio coming soon... >> Read More... in lead roles. It is also digitally available on Zee5.Â
Its story revolves around an illiterate married woman, Aarti Devi. No one respects her, and her family takes her for granted. She works as a puppet for her in-laws and unwillingly becomes the head of the village’s Panchayat or Sarpanch. Initially, everything was going on according to the interests of her father-in-law. However, the problem arises when she decides to work as honestly as a Sarpanch, as she works for her relations in her household.Â
Will Aarti succeed in getting the well-deserved respect from her family and villagers? How will her in-laws react to her bold step? The episodes of this serial will reveal everything with time. Payal Gupta played the titular role of Aarti Devi, and Manmohan Tiwari played the role of her husband, Amrendra Tiwari, in the show.Â