Avery Singha Roy is a Bengali TV actress and theater artist. Avery is popular for her natural acting. She is married to Anuvab Dasgupta Pablo, a popular theater director. Avery Singha Roy was born in Bardhaman in West Bengal. She did her schooling at Burdwan Municipal Girls' High School and went to Gokhale Memorial Girls' College for graduation and for...
Saoli Chattopadhyay is an actor by profession. She belongs to Mumbai, Maharashtra. Her hobbies are traveling, listen to music, partying, and dancing. She is known for her roles in Karma in 2020, Saat no. Shanatan Sanyal in 2019, Mayar Jonjil in 2020, Chick Flick 2 in 2021, and Rahasya Romancho season 3 in 2021. Karma revolves around sixteen young contestants...
Sreya Bhattacharya is a talented Indian actress. She primarily works in the Bengali entertainment industry. She was born in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. She completed her schooling from Gokhale Memorial Girls School, Kolkata, India. Sreya debuted in the entertainment industry with the TV series, In Their Life, aired in 2018. It is an Indian drama series. The series’ plot revolves...
Arna Mukhopadhyay is a well-known Actor from the Bengali Film Industry. He played the role of Azam Khan in the movie Hoichai Unlimited released on 12 October 2018 and directed by Aniket Chattopadhyay with the stars Dev Adhikari, Koushani Mukherjee, Puja Banerjee, and Rajatava Dutta, the role of Imtiaz in the movie Kabir released on 13 April 2018 and directed...
Sabuj is an actor who works in the entertainment industry. He acted in various films and movies, such as “Chhotolok,” which focuses on the character of Raja, who started an affair with a woman named Rupsha, who has a past criminal record. However, when Rupsha died tragically, leading to Raja becoming the prime suspect in her murder case. Sabuj plays...
Anujoy Chattopadhyay is one of the most promising actors in the Bengali entertainment industry. He has showcased his talent in various Bengal dramas, which have provided a distinct dimension to the theaters. Chick Flick is a Bengal web series that came out in 2020. In this show, Anujoy played the character of Tanay. Joydip Banerjee and Soumit Deb took the...
Samadarshi Dutta is a Bengali film Actor. He was born on 2nd May in Kolkata. Dutta debuted in acting with Shiboprosad Mukherjee and Nandita Roy's film Icche, which was released in 2011, and has also been included in the Calcutta University`s Study of Women`s Stress and Distress Management....