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1. Helen Mirren


She is known to be one of the superstars that maintained glare throughout the decades. Named and knighted as Dame Helen Lydia Mironoff DBE, born on July 26, 1945 in London, England. First appeared in 1966 and as advert woman for the movie “Herostratus”, as Hermia for the movie “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” She continuously landed roles from the end of 1970 and until the beginning of 1980. She played the role Morgana in the movie “Excalibur” a story of sorcerer that will help a man to unite Britons to make it survive from different attacks of the sorcerers alike. She continuously starred in numerous movies noting her best portrayals for “Cal” as Marcella, as Ruth for the movie “Heavenly Pursuits”, as Galina for the movie “White Nights” and Frieda for “Coming Through”, as Lydia Neuman for the movie “Pascali’s Island”, as  Clemmie for the movie “When the Wales Came”, as Georgina for “The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover”, and as Frances for the movie “Bethune: The Making of a Hero” and “The Comfort Strangers.”

Date of Birth: 26-07-1945
Age: 78
Star Sign: Leo
Gender: Female
Skills: Movie Actress
Date of Birth: 26-07-1945
Age: 78
Star Sign: Leo
Gender: Female
Skills: Movie Actress

2. Mary-Louise Parker


Mary-Louise Parker is a well-known actress, popularly known for her role as ‘Nancy Botwin’ in the famous television series ‘Weeds.' She was born on the 2nd of August in the year 1964 in the city of Fort Jackson in South Carolina in the United States. She was born to John Morgan Parker, a former US Army official who later became a judge, and Caroline Louise Parker, and was born the youngest amongst four children born. Due to her father’s occupation, Mary-Louise along with her family had to shift and move around a lot. 

Date of Birth: 02-08-1964
Age: 59
Star Sign: Leo
Gender: Female
Skills: TV-Actress
Date of Birth: 02-08-1964
Age: 59
Star Sign: Leo
Gender: Female
Skills: TV-Actress

3. Bruce Willis


This guy was always summoned and well paid by producers to be tortured in his movies. He did it all! Aside from Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Harrison Ford, he is the next in line to do scenes between explosions. Born as Walter Bruce Willis on March 19th 1955 from Rhineland-Palatinate, West Germany.  He first attended Penns Grove High and became famous in his school joining drama club and student council. He first worked as a security guard at Salem Nuclear Power Plant and DuPont Factory.

Date of Birth: 19-03-1955
Age: 69
Star Sign: Pisces
Gender: Male
Skills: Movie Actor
Date of Birth: 19-03-1955
Age: 69
Star Sign: Pisces
Gender: Male
Skills: Movie Actor

4. Morgan Freeman


One of his notable films “The Shawshank Redemption” known to be one of the best movies of all time. He is considered to be one of the best actors in Hollywood history. His name is Morgan Freeman.

Date of Birth: 01-06-1937
Age: 87
Star Sign: Gemini
Gender: Male
Skills: Movie Actor
Date of Birth: 01-06-1937
Age: 87
Star Sign: Gemini
Gender: Male
Skills: Movie Actor