Home Title Designer

Title Designer



Dinesh Karthik Hindi Cricket
Born: 1 June 1985

Age Now 39

Dinesh Karthik - (Cricket)

Kajal Nishad Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 1 June 1982

Age Now 42

Kajal Nishad - (TV-Actress)

Chippy Malayalam Producer
Born: 1 June 1975

Age Now 49

Chippy - (Producer)

Saloni Aswani Telugu Movie Actress
Born: 1 June 1987

Age Now 37

Saloni Aswani - (Movie Actress)

Pooja Gaur Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 1 June 1991

Age Now 33

Pooja Gaur - (TV-Actress)

Priya Shinde Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 1 June 1987

Age Now 37

Priya Shinde - (TV-Actress)

Vinod Kapoor Hindi TV-Actor
Born: 1 June 1965

Age Now 59

Vinod Kapoor - (TV-Actor)


The Title Designer Reveals The Story

Before the movie releases, the way the title appears in the teasers and trailers causes an immense impact. A good presentation of the title and the credits for the film looks promises and garners positive response even prior to the release of the film. The title designer needs to know the background, plot, and storyline of the film- the presentation needs to abide by the background of the film. They are immensely skilled and creative people and are aware of various software related to design and art, They are quick and efficient decision makers- they might make a few samples for the title, and they need to be presented to the director and the producer of the film. They might make further demands so that the title gets closer to the story and enhances the interest among the audience.

They need to follow the schedule and deliver each design and credit modules on time. They may generate motion pictures title along with the poster. They might require additional information regarding the film, for example, a mystery story that revolves around one particular date, the title designer might require that date because of its significance in the plot. Such additional information can be included in the title in a creative manner.