Home Publicity Still Photographer

Publicity Still Photographer



Deepa Venkat Tamil TV-Actress
Born: 11 June 1975

Age Now 49

Deepa Venkat - (TV-Actress)

Manisha Yadav Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 11 June 1992

Lived For 28 Years

Manisha Yadav - (TV-Actress)

Shamin Mannan Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 11 June 1991

Age Now 33

Shamin Mannan - (TV-Actress)

Sonika Kaliraman Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 11 June 1983

Age Now 41

Sonika Kaliraman - (TV-Actress)

Shia LaBeouf English Movie Actor
Born: 11 June 1986

Age Now 38

Shia LaBeouf - (Movie Actor)

Sanjay Narvekar Hindi Movie Actor
Born: 11 June 1962

Age Now 62

Sanjay Narvekar - (Movie Actor)

Roopa Sree Malayalam TV-Actress
Born: 11 June 1976

Age Now 48

Roopa Sree - (TV-Actress)


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Photographers who capture film stills and still photographers mainly for publicity and marketing are known as the Publicity Still Photographers. They capture images with the intent to have various shots in an archive which can be used later. Also, these photographs are used to ensure continuity in the sets- that is the directors, and the production design team use the photographs which they capture apart from the shoot for future reference. The photographer stores pictures of the set, props and also the crew members- the pictures of the set, costume wardrobe and props can be used at a later stage to recreate similar shots, and the crew members’ pictures are used for the recognition of people who work behind the camera.

They are aware all the camera equipment and their knowledge of the photo-chemical and digital processes are phenomenal. They also have the skills of image- manipulation and image-management software. Their pictures record particular scenes of the film which are, often, instrumental in the success of the film. There is something known as a kill factor which means that a particular percentage of photographs of an actor can be straight away rejected and stopped from a public release. The release of these still images depends on the actor’s approval. Hence, a lot of patience is required and also, they must be prepared for rejections.