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Project Head



Chetan Hansraj Tamil TV-Actor
Born: 15 June 1982

Age Now 42

Chetan Hansraj - (TV-Actor)

Karuna Bhushan Telugu TV-Actress
Born: 15 June 1988

Age Now 36

Karuna Bhushan - (TV-Actress)

Palak Dey Hindi Child Artist
Born: 15 June 2008

Age Now 16

Palak Dey - (Child Artist)

Pallavi Gupta Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 15 June 1990

Age Now 34

Pallavi Gupta - (TV-Actress)

Pallavi Kulkarni Hindi Model
Born: 15 June 1982

Age Now 42

Pallavi Kulkarni - (Model)

Ottapalam Pappan Malayalam Supporting Actor
Born: 15 June 1945

Lived For 67 Years

Ottapalam Pappan - (Supporting Actor)

Neil Patrick Harris English Movie Actor
Born: 15 June 1973

Age Now 51

Neil Patrick Harris - (Movie Actor)

Adeel Chaudhry Urdu Movie Actor
Born: 15 June 1988

Age Now 36

Adeel Chaudhry - (Movie Actor)


Project Head Leads The Team

No matter what industry or field a project manager works for, his works is always summarized in the form of four key steps namely plan, organize, lead and control. The first thing a project manager does is to plan before starting any particular project. He first prepares a description of the specific project which helps in clarifying the scope of the project; he develops the plan and schedule of the project afterwards and creates different policies regarding it. Next thing is he determines the team members, distribute the work between them.

He also contacts different people regarding the funds of the project. He also dedicates his time in moving his team in the right direction, also help in coordinating between various team members. He helps the team members where they can get struck and evaluates and correct their work time to time. They also set deadlines for projects and monitor its progress, they see through each phase of development of the project to ensure that they deliver their best performance