Keladi Chennamma is a historical series which got aired on the channel Suvarna TV. The series is a Kannada language one which got broadcasted on every weekday from Monday to Friday in the time slot of 6:30 to 7:00 PM. It features the story and history of Queen Keladi Chennamma who reigned over the Keladi kingdom for nearly twenty-eight years in the 17th Century. She gets counted amongst one of the bravest and most beautiful ladies to hail from the state of Karnataka. She gets remembered throughout history for her battles against the forces of the Mughal army under the leadership of Aurangzeb. The series got directed by the acclaimed director T.S. Nagabharana. He is also credited with writing the story for this show. His name is amongst one of the most renowned ones in the Kannada film and television industry having delivered several popular programs through the years. Shivadwaj has taken up the role of the series’ producer. He is himself a well-known actor and director in the television industry. The story revolves around the life of Queen Keladi, the emotional turmoils she goes through along with the bravery she displays in the battlefields.
The show gets counted amongst one of the very rare and unique historical offerings within the Kannada language general entertainment arena. Keladi Chennamma’s reign upon the Keladi kingdom extended over the years 1671 to 1697 in the state of Karnataka. She was a Lingayat by her religion. She took birth in the household of a man called Siddappa Setti, who was a native merchant in the region of Kundapur, Karnataka. The Keladi kingdom, which was also known by the names of Bednur and Ikkeri, had gotten formed following the fall of the Vijayanagara Empire. Keladi Chennamma went on to get married to King Somashekara Nayaka in the year of 1667.
Post the demise of Somashekhara Nayaka in the year of 1677, she took over the administrative responsibilities of the state. She oversaw the day to day administration activities of the dynasty of Keladi Nayaka with supreme efficiency. During the twenty-six years when she ruled, she got attacked by the forces of the Mughal Army which were then led by Aurangzeb. She repelled his forces from within her military base located at Sagara, Karnataka within the kingdom of Keladi. She later adopted Basavappa Nayaka into her family. He was her close relative and went on to succeed her as the Hiriya Basappa Nayaka. During her reign, she also entered into a trade agreement signed with the Portuguese. It involved commodities such as pepper and rice and got rendered the title of “Raina da Pimenta” by the Portuguese, which translates into “The Pepper Queen”.