Kingsman: The Secret Service Teaser, Trailer & Video Songs
Everyone loves a great spy movie and the film ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ proves to be a good one. Something about the old-school, gentleman spies gets everyone excited. The trailer starts off with an allusion to the seriousness of spy movies nowadays. It is also a remark to show that the current film is the exact opposite. With stylish and outrageous gadgets like a bulletproof umbrella and other funky toys, the story is trying to put a young spin on the tried and proved spy movie formula.
The use of over dramatic weapons, fiery explosions and killer fighting scenes all just adds a sense of thrill and drama to the story. The most significant role of ant spy movie is that of the villain. Valentine, the antagonist, played by Samuel Jackson, is a unique villain. The funny lisp and apparent queasiness to blood and gore of any kind makes him an interesting villain choice and also a deadly one. Though the plot line seems overused, there is just the right amount of flair and uniqueness to get the audience excited and give it a watch.
The trailer mixes in the proper amount of drama, humour, and action to keep us interested and wanting more. The movie's director Matthew Vaughn has also directed popular films like the 'X-Men First Class' and ‘Kick-Ass', and this sets the bar high for the following movie.