Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Teasers, Trailers, Video & Songs
Zack Snyder tries to create a sequel to Man of steel. Henry Cavell (as superman) is accused of destroying the entire Metropolis city post his encounter with Zod. The movie reopens with batman being orphaned again. Ben Affleck proving that he can be a good batman,strategically tries to protect innocent civilians as he now considers superman as a threat.
Jesse Eisenberg as the sly villain Luthor also rivals superman as he and Bruce Wayne together are after the piece of kryptonite lying in the Indian ocean. This exciting, enthralling, action sci fi storyline creates a magnetic suspense to keep the audience engaged.Amy Adams and Gal Gadot have been chosen to play the lead female cast i. e Lois Lane and princes Diana respectively. Jeremy Irons is a fun sidekick to batman as Alfred. In this pudding of a movie, experience a devastated Metropolis, followed by somewhere in the Indian ocean and lastly African landscapes.
This is a clash between black and blue, day and night, more so between Man and God.This film lays a future groundwork frame for DC comics movies in reference to the familiar Justic League characters. Definitely an improvisation over Man of Steel. On an ending note, this film is a good investment for superhero buffs.