Sree Mukhi is one of the several celebrities who have made a successful transition from small screen to films. She first faced the camera nearly three years ago and admitted that she has definitely travelled a long journey, to transform herself from an introvert teenager to discovering her feet in the television industry and movies. Her full name being Sreemukhi...
VS Vasu is a well-accomplished and highly esteemed artist in the Indian entertainment industry highly recognised for his work as a director in the Telugu film industry. Vasu gained widespread recognition and respect for his work in the movie “Kutumba Kadha Chitram’’ a 2017 Romantic thriller movie written and directed by him and produced by Dasari Bhaskar Yadav and the...
V Malhar Bhatt Joshi is also known as Malaharbhatt Joshi, and Malharbhatt Joshi. He was born on 01 January 1970. He was born in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India and lives in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. He is a cinematographer, director of photography, videographer, and lighting director. V Malhar Bhatt Joshi has worked in the Tollywood, Bollywood, and Sandalwood entertainment industries. He is...
Prawin Pudi is a gratifying, talented and versatile Tamil and Telugu Movie Editor. The particular contributions of the talented Editor came in some of the Malayalam movies. He has worked dominantly in Malayalam Film industry and keeps coming up with some gratifying work. Prawin Pudi joined the South Film Industry from Telugu film industry as an assistant to the renowned...