Manju Warrier is a South-Indian film actress, born on November 1, 1978, in Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, to an accountant father and a homemaker mother. She completed her schooling from Chinmaya Vidyalaya and further from Chovva Higher Secondary School, both situated at Kannur. She graduated from SN College, Kannur. Manju was only seventeen when she made her debut in the film...
Sunny Wayne is a Malayalam movies’ actor. His birth name is Sujith Unnikrishnan, which was given to him on the occasion of his birth, on 19th of August, 1983. His childhood was spent in Wayanad....
Visakh Subramaniam is a well-known Indian producer, distributor, and film exhibitor. He predominantly works in the Malayalam film industry or the Mollywood industry. He was born on 10 April 1988 in Kerala, India. He is a son of S. Murugan and Suja Murugan. His grandfather P. Subramaniam founded the second film studio in Kerala named Merryland Studio. He was married...