Vijay Kumar B alias Sanchari Vijay is a Kannada Theater and film artist. The tag ‘Sanchari’ comes from a drama troupe of the same name, of which Vijay is a vital part. The milestone in his acting career is regarded as the 2015 movie ‘Naanu Avanalla...Avalu,' where he takes, head-on, the bold portrayal of a transgender person. For his brave...
Anoop Seelin was born in the town of Hassan, Karnataka on 24th of October. He's known to be a multi-talented personality, especially in the Kannada film industry. He works as a music director as well as a playback singer....
A renowned film director in the Kannada film industry, B.S. Lingadevaru (Byalakere Shivananjappa Lingadevaru) is mostly famous for his movies Kaada Beladingalu and Nannu Avanalla… Avalu. He directed an award-winning movie name “Mouni”. The movie is a film adaption of a novel by Dr. Ananthamurthy. The author is a holder of the Jnanpith Award and through the movie, he conveys that silence...