Run Zindagi Run is a crime-thriller packed with action, Directed and Produced by Dinesh Parihar Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . This movie featured Nitesh Shrivastava Bio coming soon... >> Read More... as Kedar, Nidhi Shrivastava Bio coming soon... >> Read More... as Gayatri, Naysha Chaudhary Bio coming soon... >> Read More... as Priya, and Lokesh Gorker as Rocky in the lead role. Editing, screenplay, script, and action are all done by Dinesh Parihar. Nitesh Shrivastava as Director of photography, and Harish Darshan Sharma as music composer did an excellent job in the movie.
Four lives, one destination, their lives get interconnected and become a game of mouse and cat that changes them forever. One couple flutters with college romance and another facing marriage problem, gets involved with unfortunate people. The story unfolds with the kidnapping and child trafficking and it shows how this incident affects everyone’s life, and especially the life of a father acted by Dinesh Parihar, who is out in search for his daughter. As plot unfolds it shows the ugly side of humanity, and how greed controls human and their desires. It makes you question the nature of humans and the path they choose to conquer their lust for power, which ultimately drowns them in their misery.
Star Performances
There are some excellent performances by Nidhi Shrivastava and the child actor Utkarsha Maithil, but overall, there are very ordinary performances by the cast. Nothing stands out in terms of performance.
It’s your basic low-budget movie with the overused crime-thriller theme. The direction and screenplay, looks like a college project where a person got an idea, and is trying to execute it by himself. The shooting locations are very generic; you can find them with cameras at your college’s campus, or some local tourist places (and at your local river bridge). Editing was not in professionally manner, and the background music is your typical thriller sound effects, which is overused by the editor. The editing in the trailer is sometimes over the top or sometimes weak. Action scenes are also weakly directed. And with below the mark camerawork, it also has cliché dialogues with lazy delivery. The title track, written by Dinesh Parihar includes weak sound production and poorly planned music video. Despite being regional movie Run Zindagi Run showed its potential to grasp the attention of their audiences.
What’s There?
What’s Not There?
Run Zindagi Run is a regional movie which connects you with your roots, and makes you feel like you are part of the movie too. As in every film, there are also some lacking things in this movie too. Sometimes overacted and sometimes underacted, as there are some new faces in the lead roles it comprehends. The plot uses a fascinating theme for story, but what makes it ordinary, is terrible writing and bad execution of the screenplay.
As the trailer constructs a narrative of “Three loving people”, “One frustrated man”, “Four lives”, “One destination”, it keeps you on the edge, to know more about the plot and ultimately to watch the movie.