Manvi Singh Choudhary is a Rajasthani actress. She mainly works on song videos. She has worked on the featured sangeet song, Mhari Laadli Banni. The song was sung by Namrata Karwa. The song was released in November 2023. She is one of the cast members of the song, Cham Cham Chamke Chunadi. The song was produced by the filmmaker Kailash Rathi Kailash Rathi was a renowned director, producer, w >> Read More... . She also worked on the song video, Rangeela Isar Gora le. The song was sung by Seema Mishra Known for her character as Deepali Sikandar Bhati >> Read More... and released in April 2022.
Manvi Singh Choudhary is also one of the cast members of the romantic song video, Payaldi Shor Machavan Laagi. The song is sung by the singer Pronali Chaliha. She has worked on many memorable wedding songs, such as Chand Ki Baat by the singer Abhilasha Banthia and Thare Bin Nahi sare. She has given lots of bridal shoots and shoots while dancing and in the light.