Lukram Smil is an Indian actor and model who was born in Manipur. Lukram never thought of becoming an actor, when he went to Lucknow for his higher studies. Smil graduated from Lucknow. Smil, who is a fashion model and actor, has also done various plays in his college. Smil did various ramp shows before entering into Bollywood. He debuted with KK Menon KK Menon is one of the most popular actors in the >> Read More... in a movie penalty in July 2019. Lukram is an art lover and often uploads of painting sketches on Instagram. He started his career in a small and simple way and has experience in sharing marketing and analysis. Lukram Smil played the protagonist in the film Penalty. Penalty directed by Shubham Singh Shubham Singh is an India-origin distinguished pro >> Read More... , and Kay Kay Menon Kay Kay Menon or K.K. Menon or Krishan Kumar Menon >> Read More... , Manjot Singh Manjot Singh was born to a Sikh family, in Delhi o >> Read More... , and Shashank Arora Shashank arora deservingly famed personality was b >> Read More... were in the lead role. The film released on the OTT platform. The story is based on a footballer of North-east who is fighting every day with society to achieve his goals.
Lukram never thought of becoming an actor, when he went to Lucknow for his higher studies. He faced encountering racism, and then his confidence went down. But he is thankful to Bijou, who helped him gain his confidence and told him to start his career. When he worked in Axone, he got a lot of appreciation from the audience. In penalty, football is the common factor that brings people from every region together. He thinks only films can do this. Penalty directed by Shubham Singh, has Kay Kay Menon, Manjot Singh, and Shashank Arora in the lead roles. The story is based on a footballer in the northeast, who is fighting every day with society to achieve his goals. The film covers the discrimination and negative shades in a single film to want a complete change.