Hailing from the quaint town of Klang in Malaysia, Nisha Kumar was the eldest daughter among three siblings. Her family was deeply involved in business ventures, and her father managed an industrial laundry facility, with conventional expectations dictating that they would eventually assume the reins of the family factory. However, Nisha diverged from her family tradition and pursued a degree...
Udhaya Soundari is an actress and host who created history by winning three awards in a single year at Pradhana Vizha, an annual ceremony awarding the finest in Singapore television. Udaya's first feature on local television was in 2007 as a participant in the reality singing competition Vasantham Star, where she placed in the top ten. She also attended the prestigious Asian Academy...
Varman Chandra Mohan is an actor who works in the Tollywood industry. Varman has been working for more than a decade as an artist with a demonstrated history of working in the broadcast media industry. He also possesses Strong arts and designing skills with a Master's degree focused in Business Administration and Management from Murdoch University. Varman is also the...