Dhanya Balakrishna is an Indian actress prominently working in the Telugu and Tamil language film industry. This Bangalore-based actress was the discovery of A. R. Murugadoss who has given supporting roles in her first few films that she had appeared. She debuted in Tamil films through the film ‘7aum Arivu’ and also played a supporting role in a bi-lingual project...
Arun Prasad is an Indian Film and Television Actor. He works in the Tamil Film and Television Industry. Arun was born on the 30th of November in the year 1991. He was born in Salem, Tamil Nadu....
Shiva G.R.N is a director of photography in Indian film industry. He works along with his brother Siddhu G.R.N under their production house "Twin Stars Creations". He is known for his film Aakko. Shiva G.R.N and Siddhu G.R.N are twin brothers. They both are IT professionals who turned towards pursuing their career in Bollywood. Shiva's passion for photography, music, and...
Naveen George Thomas is an Indian collaborator executive and supporting entertainer, known for 24 (2016), Ishq (2012) and Hello (2017). He is a person with a huge yearning to search for after his energy. He is more vivacious than down to business, makes him bolder inside. From time to time, he doesn't report object on little issues; he clutches the...
Suresh Chakravarthi is an Indian actor who has worked in several Tamil movies, and TV series. Suresh was born on 15 July 1964 in Tamil Nadu. His full name is K. J. Suresh Chakravarthi. Suresh did his schooling from St. Bede’s High School. He lives in Australia with his wife, Srikala Suresh and his son. Besides being a potential actor,...