Udaya Kumari Ranasinghe is a renowned Sri Lanka actress who worked in Sinhala movies and Tv series. She was born in 1967 and debuted in the entertainment industry with a comedy-drama Tv series, Kopi Kade, by several directors. She appeared opposite Rathna Sumanapala, KA Piyakaru, and Rodney Fraser in the series, released on 1 April 1987. Udaya Kumari debuted in...
Wasantha Kumarasiri is a famous Sri Lankan actor known for exceptional acting in several Sinhala movies and Tv series. He debuted in the entertainment industry in 1987 with a renowned Tv series, Kopi Kade, a comedy-drama series directed by Janaka Mahalpath and Sumith Jayantha Dias. The show has been streaming from 1 April 1987 till date, starring KA Piyakaru, Rodney...
Chandika Nanayakkara was born in Sri Lanka. His father worked as the deputy principal and disciplinary teacher, and his mother was a homemaker. He has three siblings. Chandika started acting during his school days. He developed a strong interest in drama and regularly attended the weekly stage dramas held at his school. He continued to hone his acting skills by...
Suraj Mapa is a well-known Sri Lankan actor, producer, Model, Dancer, and Choreographer in the Cinema and Television Industry. He was born on 2 January 1980 in Kandy, Sri Lanka, and completed his graduation from Trinity College, Kandy. Later, He earned a Diploma in Hotel Management and worked in his Father’s Hotel Zurich Park for one year. Further, he studied...
Sarath Kothalawala is a famous actor, director, and writer. He worked in many films, short movies, and TV series. He received training in stage dramas and other theater works from Shelton Payagala. He was given the Best Actor Award by the 3rd Derana Lux Film Award 2014, the Best Screenplay Writer Award, and the Best Actor Award by the Hiru...