Gurmat Gyan is a Punjabi TV show. It premiered in 2020. It aired on the PTC Punjabi channel. It comes under the genres of reality TV and religion. The show is hosted by Bhai Pinderpal Singh Ji. He is a charismatic Gursikh kathavachak. He is a renowned Punjabi musical artist who has many religious tracks under his name. He is a well-known guru of the Sikh cultural society. Singh Ji has an expert knowledge of the Guru Granth Sahib, the religious scripture of Sikhism. He propagates the teachings of the scripture of Sikhism to the Punjabi youths. He recites the religious verses from the book and explains the meaning behind them. He teaches the young generation how ancient literature validates the current scenarios.
Singh Ji aims to build a society based on the divine teachings of Guru Nanak, Guru Angad, Guru Amar Das, Guru Ram Das, Guru Arjan, and Guru Tegh Bahadur. He spreads the message of peace and love by conducting such programs. He composes and sings hymns to praise their Gurus. His teachings and compositions give more insight into the true meaning of Sikhism. Singh Ji is a good orator and educates the youth through modern terminologies to make them relatable. With each episode, Singh Ji teaches a new chapter of the religious book.