"Eh Kehi Rutt Aayi" is a Punjabi TV serial that aired on DD Punjabi on May 11, 2010. Produced by James Production, the show revolves around a heartwarming and emotional story of romance and drama. The series focuses on the relationship between the male and female leads, portrayed by Indy Sagu, Seema Kaushal Most celebrated for her performances in Punjabi fi >> Read More... , Surinder Shinda Surinder Shinda, whose full name is Surinder Pal D >> Read More... , and Nee2. It explores their journey filled with love, emotions, and challenges. As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, witnessing the highs and lows experienced by the characters. The male lead captivates with his charm, while the female lead brings depth and complexity to their relationship. Through its compelling storyline and strong performances, "Eh Kehi Rutt Aayi" delves into the complexities of human relationships.
It portrays the sacrifices, choices, and conflicts faced by the characters as they navigate through their romantic journey. The presence of legendary singer Surinder Shinda and talented artist Nee2 adds an extra layer of richness to the series, enhancing its overall appeal. "Eh Kehi Rutt Aayi" is a Punjabi TV serial that tells a heartfelt story of romance and drama. It showcases the emotional journey of its characters, exploring love, challenges, and the intricacies of human relationships in a captivating and engaging manner. To know more about the show watch it on DD Punjabi or Youtube.