Renasha Bantawa is a famous Filmmaker from Nepal. She is a versatile personality who is known for her perfection in her work. She is also a well-known writer. She is known for Mero Euta Saathi Cha (2009), Prem Geet (2016), and Visa Girl (2012). Mero Euta Saathi Cha is a plot that revolves around Jay, who wants to inherit his...
Gauri Malla is an actress of Nepali origin. She received Nepals Motion Picture Award for Best Leading Female in 2002, and the Best Supporting Actress Award at the first-ever Lux Film Awards in Nepal in 2003. She was also roped in as one of the judges for the first season of Dancing with the Stars - a dance reality television...
Saroj Praja, a Nepali actor and dancer, gained recognition in the country's dance and music scenes. He rose to fame by winning two significant competitions: Rio Chhamchhami Season 3 and Dancing with the Stars Nepal. His popularity soared after appearing in the music video Kura Katne Manchela Katun. Saroj, born to Chandralal Praja (father) and Thulimaya Praja (mother) on November...
Shekhar Garti Magar is an aspiring dancer, model, choreographer, and content creator in the Nepali entertainment industry. He is widely known as the title winner of the National Open Folk Dance-2076, a dance competition in Nepal. Shekhar Garti Magar was born on November 19, 1996, in Surkhet, and has been interested in dance since childhood. He completed his high school education at Pasang...
JD Tamu’s full name is Jagdish Gurung. He is a Nepali choreographer, dancer, filmmaker, and also a camera enthusiast. JD Tamu is the son of two farm laborers. He hails from Ilam’s Ingla village. He completed his diploma course in Contemporary Dance at Terence Lewis Professional Training Institute Mumbai. He is pursuing his career living in Kathmandu. He continues to...