Rum Ki Hasum is a Nepali TV show premiered on Ramailo TV. The show’s director is Arbindra Bhattrai and Dilip Patna. The cast of the show includes many Nepali celebrities such as Rajendra Manandhar Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . Om Sunar Om Sunar is one of the most famous Nepali singers. >> Read More... , CP Paudel, Dipen Shah Dipen Shah is a renowned TV personality in Nepal. >> Read More... and Anshu Maharjan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . The show ‘Rum Ki Hasum’ is a Nepali comedy show. It features everyday life of ordinary people entertainingly. It showcases social norms, family dynamics and relationships while also adding humour to it. The show is the mixture of situational comedy and scripted comedy. Each episode of the show has different comedic theme. The show is very popular among Nepali audiences due to its relatable and entertaining content. It showcases light-hearted comedy and addresses everyday issues in an entertaining way. The show is watched by people of all ages. It also features social issues in a comedic style. The show not only entertains the audience but also provides knowledge regarding social issues and problems.