Khulduli is a Nepali TV series. It premiered in 2018. It aired every Monday on the AP1 TV channel. It comes under the genres of comedy and drama. Bhadra Bhujel Bhadra Bhujel is a talented director from the Nepa >> Read More... is the director. RamSar Media has produced the show. The cast includes Sudip Babu Khatiwada Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Ajaya Regmi, Aruna Karki Aruna Karki is a famous Japanese actress. She work >> Read More... , Radha Shrestha Ghanshyam Joshi, I.P Acharya, Nabina Shrestha, Sarika Chaulagain, Susan Khatiwada, Suman Karki Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Rambabu Regmi and Abatar Kandel. The series revolves around the characters in a village. In every episode, a character lands in trouble due to ridiculous situations. The villagers try to help create confusing events that lead them into big trouble. The story has eccentric and strange characters. A few of the characters are- a young man who constantly gets beaten up due to misunderstandings, a shy teacher who is often bullied by students, and a young girl looking for a husband. These situations create a hilarious chain of events. The show presents the everyday life of the villagers in a comedic way. This show is a laughing riot.