Santosh Shinde is a standup comedian and actor. He has participated in the comedy TV show Hasya Sarat, where contestants show cast their humor and comedy talent. This show was telecasted on the channel Zee Marathi. This comedy talent hunt show's first season was telecasted in 2011 and hosted by Jitendra Waikar. His standup comedy and the energy he beholds...
Deepak Deshpande is a well-known Marathi Comedian and Professor. For more than 28 years, he has worked as a professor at the Chitrakala Mahavidyalaya, Solapur, after completing his education in the Arts field. He has not only participated in various art exhibitions at both state and national levels but also has drawn wall paintings at various playschools and social organizations....
AjitKumar Koshti is and Indian comedian from Maharashtra. He completed his schooling and junior college at Sangli High School in Sangli, Maharashtra. He graduated from Willingdon College, Sangli. AjitKumar is one of the most lovable comedians in the Marathi industry. He is often invited to multiple shows as a chief guest of honor. He was invited as a guest speaker...
Ashok Naigoankar is a Marathi language poet born on 29 December 1947 in Mumbai, Maharashtra. He graduated with a degree. After his education, he worked in the Bank of Baroda for 31 years and later voluntarily resigned. In 2010, he became a member of the Maharashtra State Board of Literature and Culture. The poet’s poems revolved around the concept...
Prakash Bhagwat is a famous Indian actor, screenplay, and dialogue writer. He is predominantly working in Marathi Film Industry. His debut film, 4 Idiots, was released on 21 September 2012, directed by Milind Zumber Kavde. It was a comedy Marathi film starring Guru Anand, Vashu Bhagwat, and Prakash Bhagwat. His next comedy movie, Dholki, with the co-stars Jaiwant Bhalerao, and...
Makarand Anaspure is an actor who works majorly in Indian Marathi cinema. He is famous for his comic timing in the roles that he plays. He usually portrays either comedy or intelligent characters. He was born on 22nd July 1973 in the city of Pune in Maharashtra. He completed college from Saraswati Bhuvan College in Aurangabad....
Jitendra Joshi is a renowned Marathi theater artist. He is also popular as a film actor and reality show host. His versatility is evident from the fact that he has played the lead hero, side hero, comic hero and even villain. He is an actor who makes acting look so effortless and unpretentious. He is popular for his police roles....
Sudesh Bhonsle was born on 1st July 1960 in Mumbai, Maharashtra. He is a very popular singer in the Bollywood film industry and is especially known for exactly imitating the Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan. He made his debut venture as a singer in the film Zalzala, that got released in the year 1988....