Manju Pillai famous for her comic role in Malayalam TV serials and films is the grand daughter of yesteryear actor S.P Pillai. She is famous for her role in 'Life is Beautiful' and the TV series 'Chila Kudumba Chitrangal'.
Manju used to act in Drama competitions during her school days. She acted in 'Sthree Parvam' directed by famous play writer Soorya...
Shahinsha is a creative leader in the media and advertising industry. He is an experienced creative director with extensive experience in the media industry. He specializes in event management, advertising, artistic direction, fundraising, and management. He is a dynamic artist and designer with a bachelor's degree in Journalism and Communication from Sikkim Manipal University. His Skills include media management, teamwork,...
Gopinath Muthukad is an escapologist, magician, motivational speaker, and a life coach from the state of Kerala in South India. He uses the medium of magic to express his feelings and messages to the general public. He gave a proper dimension to magic as a branch of science. He was born in Nilambur to Kunjunni Nair, and Devaki Amma. His...