Indian top model and Telugu and Tamil star Anjali was born in Andhara Pardesh in 1986. Acting was her passion so she started her career from short films. Small projects like short films and modeling assignments lead her to the silver screen. Director Siva Nageswara Rao recognized her talent and offered her the role of “Swapna” in Telugu Thriller “Photo”...
Sri Durga or better known as Durga is a Tamil television actress who started acting since her childhood. Durga became famous for appearing in most of the tele-serials broadcasted in the entire regional TV channels. Durga currently lives with her parents and her two sisters. She has basic interest in music and photography. She mostly does heart-breaking roles rather than...
Chaitra Rao Sachin is an Indian Actress, currently working for the Kannada and Tamil broadcast business. She was born in Konanur, Karnataka. She made her debut in the Kannada TV sequential "Vidya Vinayaka" alongside Kavitha Gowda, coordinated by M.N.Jayanth and created by Dileep Raj. She likewise acted with popular actors like Maanas Chavali, Vishnu Unnikrishnan, Ashwin Karthik, and Dileep Shetty....
Puneeth was born on 17th March 1975 in Madras, Tamilnadu. He entered the industry when he was six months old. Although he hails from Madras, he was brought up in Bengalaru. He left his studies in order to work in the cinema but later achieved a diploma in computer science privately. He has a family background where all his brothers, as well as...