Sakshi Kurtarkar is a salsa dancer from Goa, India. She has participated in various talent hunt shows. She and her dance partner Amit Rajput were the winners of the 2017 Dance reality show ‘India Banega Manch’ on Colors. The dance reality show has held at public places rather than a dance studio platform where contestants performed on the street and...
Mona Singh is a popular Indian model-turned-television-actress who appeared in Ekta Kapoor’s Indian drama soap, Kya Huaa Tera Vaada, as the female lead protagonist, Mona Pradeep Singh. She is the ex-wife of Pradeep Singh (played by Pawan Shankar), and the story revolves around their life as a young couple who resides in Mumbai, along with their three children- Bulbul (played...
Amit Rajput is a salsa dancer from Goa, India. He has participated in various talent hunt shows.  He and his dance partner Sakshi Kurtarkar were the winners of the 2017 Dance reality show ‘India Banega Manch’ on Colors. The show has held at public places rather than a dance studio platform and was judged by the public watching the contestants...
Arjun Kapoor is a Bollywood star. He was born on 26 June 1985, in Chembur that is located in Mumbai. Arjun Kapoor is the son of the famous Indian film producer Boney Kapoor and his ex-wife Mona Shourie Kapoor who is an entrepreneur, his step-mother is the popular Bollywood actress Sridevi. Arjun Kapoor did his schooling and higher secondary in...
Anil Kapoor was born on 24th December 1956 in Mumbai, Maharashtra. He is a very popular Bollywood actor cum producer. He is active in the films right from the year 1979 until the present. He got married with Sunita Kapoor in the year 1984. He has three children, namely Sonam Kapoor, who is a Bollywood actress, Rhea Kapoor, who is...
Krishna Abhishek is a famous Indian actor, popularly known for his outstanding performances in Comedy Circus, a comedy show of SONY Entertainment. Krishna was born on 30 May 1983 in Mumbai, India. Bollywood actor Govinda is the uncle of Krishna. Krishna is the cousin of Amit Khanna, Ragini Khanna and Soumya Seth. Krishna is also popular for his dancer and...